
Catalina 22

This 1976 model of the Catalina 22 joined the Freedom fleet in 2011, purchased from the second owner in Island Park, OR; then sailed in Idaho for 3 summers before being brought to SE Texas in 2013. It's a fun little boat for a day sail on Clear Lake or Galveston Bay.

The Catalina 22 is the most commercially successful sailboat of all time and is one of the 5 inaugural members of the American Sailboat Hall of Fame. Frank Butler of Catalina Yachts designed the Catalina 22, which was Catalina’s first production boat. Since 1969, Catalina Yachts has built and sold over 16,000 Catalina 22s. Catalina continues to build this boat to meet continued sprightly demand. Continued market demand and production of a family cruiser and racer of this size contrasts with the next two models up in Catalina’s line, the Catalina 25 and the Catalina 27, which are no longer produced.

The Catalina 22 is an excellent day sailor, racer, and weekender. She has classic Catalina lines and port light configuration that many sailors find timeless. Although Catalina has updated the Catalina 22 throughout its production run, early boats remain modern-looking and attractive by today’s standards. Many sailors will prefer the lines of the earlier boats over the lines of the most recent. With its light displacement and available swing keel, the Catalina 22 can truly be considered a trailer-sailor by any modern standard.